Has anyone had experience with their Select II remote control not charging via USB? I shipped back my first Select II remote because of this issue, and now I’m having the same issue with its replacement.
Did you try to charge either/both remotes with the same cable? Did you try another cable? Same issue with two remotes seems…remote.
I’ve tried different chargers and cables. Will give it another try. Could there be a vintage of Select remotes that have defective batteries? I assume that when charging the remote’s LED should illuminate?
On mine the red led is lit. I have an Anker charger that shows how fast the device plugged into it is charging. It says the control consuming 0.4 Watts while charging.
According to the manual that LED will be solid red while charging and solid white when fully charged.
Does the LED turn red while you have it plugged into the charger?
Thanks, Dan. The LED on my remote is not illuminating when plugged in. Are you using an MSB supplied USB or a a generic USB cable purchased off Amazon? I am using the latter, so am wondering if the MSB remote is finicky about which USB cables are used. FWIW, the USB cables I have tried charging my remote with, charge other devices just fine (kindle, cameras, etc).
I’m using a generic USB A to miniUSB cable. I tried a couple of different ones, all worked. The miniUSB almost looks like a USB C connector but it’s not quite rounded on its edges.
I believe you are describing a micro USB; the mini plug resembles a trapezoid. I’m also using a micro. If you have an Apple USB charger on hand (either a 5W or 10W+ model), would you mind confirming that the MSB remote charges fine with it?
I was using an Anker power brick to do my tests, but I just tried it with an Apple power brick and it worked.
But I couldn’t find an USB A Apple power brick, only a USB C one…so I used it with an adapter. It’s one of the small ones, 5v @ 3 amps, so 15 watts. When I charged with my Anker it said it charged at 0.4 Watts… so most any adapter can handle that.
Thanks, Dan. Appreciate you helping me troubleshoot. I’ll try a couple more micro usb cables around the house. Hopeful that’s the fix vs needing to ship the remote back to MSB!
Most probably it is the miniUSB connector on the remote that has came loose inside the remote. I had the same problem before with a new Reference remote. My dealer discovered that the miniUSB connector on the remote had came loose inside. His technician just solder back the connection inside.
Thanks, Easyglider. I’ve ruled out the cable and charger as being the culprits. Could be a similar situation to yours. If MSB allows me to attempt to re-solder, I’ll give that a shot before shipping the remote back to the factory.
Hey there! Yes, it sounds like the micro USB connector has come loose. The remote uses solder in place connectors and they were not the most robust solution. Please feel free to attempt soldering or having a technician solder the connector back in place. That is the easy quick fix.
Otherwise we can get another remote sent out to you with a return label. Hopefully get you up and running right away. Our new metal design helps reinforce the connector to prevent this from happening, but generally they do require a gentle touch with the cable handling.
Feel free to email or DM here.