@Daniel_Francis Its seems after trying to diagnose a problem using JCAT with my MSB DAC, Marcin from JCAT has asked that MSB look into a compatibility with the JCAT software. The problem is that there is inconsistent playback, track selection etc. I’ve tried various configs with different settings for the app and none of them work properly. Another user on the form also complained of a similar problem - @NACA5 .
What is the proper venue to submit a trouble ticket so this can be looked into by MSB and JCAT? I realize that MSB is certified for the ethernet connection, but not USB.
Thank you,
Consider this ticket submitted, we will take a look
Thanks Dan. BTW - Do better power cables make a difference? I have two PSUs connected to the Discrete DAC. Currently, I’m using Oyaide GPX-R (I think V2) power cables vs stock.
I am looking at a PAD Aqueous Diamond power cable designed for digital components.
Definitely. But… it’s not as simple as spend more for better performance. I have heard plenty of inexpensive cables sounds fantastic and some very expensive cables sound awful. It is a wild and pretty wacky world in the cable industry. I can only wish you luck while navigating it.
And! I will always mention that buying better electronics is always the most effective upgrade over cabling. Expensive power cords won’t make a Discrete DAC sound like a Premier DAC… buying a Premier DAC sounds like a Premier DAC
I don’t mention that to be silly. We often see folks spending similar amounts on the cabling as the electronics. I highly encourage buying electronic upgrades first and let the cabling come second to help fine tune the system.
Thanks Dan. I realize it’s not improving my Discrete to a level of a Premier and nor am I looking for spending BIG BUCKS$$$.
Hahahaha, then good! It also doesn’t hurt to get a demo/loaner to try out as well.
hi Dan please let me know if I can be of help to diagnose the issue.
Will do, this is a project @Jonathan_Gullman will be following up on. He handles the software side of things, I do mechanical
Hello @idrachman ,
I’ve never used JCAT. I can reach out to Marcin and see what he has to say but this sounds more like playback software related than the USB. The DAC doesn’t know anything about track changes, what track is selected, etc…, it just decodes and plays the data packets it’s sent. We will see what Marcin has to say.
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for putting effort into this. That’s what I thought. I asked him what information you would need to help diagnose, he never replied.
In the interim, I’ve switched to Audirvāna and it works flawlessly.
It can only use Asio, which is ok in guess. Preferred method?
AISO is great!