Daniel_Gullman vs. Daniel_Francis

Just an update for those curious, since there was not a lot of context surrounding the change. I just updated my forum handle and our website to Daniel Francis. If any of you have emailed me in recent years, you may have noticed my email signature was Daniel Gullman Francis. That is in fact my full legal name. When I got married in 2020 I took my wife’s last name and moved Gullman as my middle name. She was fond of it and I being a reasonably chaotic sort was happy and excited for the change.

In my personal life the change was initially slow to take, but after 5 years it has become completely natural to me. So much in fact, that it makes signing or typing Daniel Gullman feel foreign in some ways. I now often default sign by Francis much to the confusion of others in our industry.

There was some hesitation for a while that changing my professional name could confuse or obfuscate that Jonathan and I are brothers. That was perhaps just an excuse. But saying it out loud highlighted how this small difference wouldn’t matter to anyone. Getting to know you all here on the forums has been a blast and makes me want to present 100% as myself.

And for those who know me, you can call me Dan. Seeing how many Dan’s are on this forum is really what got me thinking about this. Cheers all!

-Dan Francis


Hi @Daniel_Francis,

Thanks for the clarification and not to worry; we love and respect you and your work either way.

Kind regards,

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@Daniel_Francis as long as I can call you a friend, I am happy

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Absolutely! Thanks all

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