Recently i buy a pair of m203 , the sound is great but there is a transformer noise inside.
Can you help me to solve this problem?
I have to sent some video with noise but the files are too large.
Please send me another way to send it.
Thank you.
Have you DC offset issues in your line? To be sure I suggest you to try a DC Blocker as a temporary test.
I had a PS Audio P20 with audible transformer buzz from listening chair and I removed it with a Puritan. Dead silent! My S202 is plugged into the wall and sometimes I can hear an almost imperceptible buzz with my ears 3 cm far from the amp chassis. I can live with it.
I tried this one from iFi too, but it doesn’t work at all in my system.
On the contrary I experienced good results with Puritan 156. Just to be clear: the amp I always preferred it plugged directly into the wall socket.
The only exception in my case is my current Gryphon PowerZone 3.10, a different beast that enhanced every sonic aspect for the better. It’s not a conditioner, so no DC blocking or filtering or surge protection. Consider it a “purifier” very expensive but immensely useful to bring sonic improvements: air, organic and realistic sound with lots of detail and separation. Love it (but not your solution for DC blocking).
@Sorin , welcome to the forum! Humming transformers are often a great indicator of power issues whether it be DC offset or a malformed sine wave. We test every one of our amps with cover off for transformer hum. It passed here with 300 solar inverters, a CNC shop and a SMT production line to boot!
Power variability is hard to diagnose and often out of our control, but I would recommend giving @Vince_Galbo a call. He is a power expert at this point and may be able to give you some tools to measure what is going on. If it turns out to be amp related, we will of course take care of it.
When you do test transformers audible hum, are you able to hear a tiny subtle hum with your ears very close (attached) to the chassis? I mean, something so low that just 2 ft far from the amp is completely gone even in a dead silent (treated) room.
Yes, we listen with the cover off to make it easier to hear, but there is always a low subtle hum. After the cover is installed, it would not be audible unless your ear is inches away from the chassis.
Thanks Daniel, it perfectly describes my experience here (already with my ears 40 cm away from the amplifier I can no longer hear it).
Even plugging a Toroidy DC Blocker between the wall and the amplifier, I got exactly the same result, total silence a few centimeters away, this test has calmed my audio-paranoia anxieties again. And my room has a noise floor of 27 dB (I know, call it a dead room but I like it!), it doesn’t forgive even a subtle fly!