Does anyone know if the ProISL interface works with Lumin’s digital fiber interface? I think the Lumin is a standard FC ethernet so I am guessing they are NOT compatible but worth asking.
Only an MSB ProISL output will work with the MSB ProISL input. To my knowledge so far, only MSB Transports (the Select and Reference), the ProUSB, the ReQuest Audio Raptor, and the Taiko Audio Olympus have a compatible output. I know there are several other companies that are currently working on their own implementations but I don’t think any of them are ready yet.
Thanks Dustin, just out of curiosity would you happen to know or point me in the right direction for a volume controllable digital output device that you would recommend in conjunction with the Cascade. I love the renderer for Roon but my wife uses Spotify and the volume is an issue as her streamer via toslink and my via the renderer are simply too far apart so one of us has to adjust the volume every time
Sorry, I don’t know of any apps other than Roon or Jplay that can control the DACs volume from a mobile device.