New member here introducing myself and my relatively humble system. The primary music source is a Roon Core running on a Synology NAS in the basement. The Discrete DAC has a network renderer card in one of its slots that is a Roon Endpoint. The DAC drives a pair of Pass Labs XA60.8 monoblock amplifiers directly. The speakers are Wilson Audio Sophia 3. Also on the rack is an Apple TV, an OPPO Blu-ray player, and an Ethernet switch. Balanced interconects are from Blue Jeans Cable. Speaker cables are Cardas CrossLink (1.5m).
Welcome @Mairet ! I wouldn’t consider any system with an MSB DAC as humble Your presentation is also top tier, well done. I am sure it sounds really fantastic. I think we have the same TV as well. Heh!
Thank you Daniel. Do you mean the amp stands? They are custom 20”x20”x2” cherry from Timber Nation. ( I bought them several years ago. I presume they still make them.
I was just commenting on how cold it was cycling to work here… but perhaps we Californians don’t even know what cold is. It looks quite brisk there. Stay warm!
Yea, 21 degrees Fahrenheit here this morning. My back yard is adjacent to a bike path. I saw a few people ride by this morning. I won’t get out there until it hits 50 degrees in the spring. Spending time in my home gym this morning instead. I am listening to some old friends that were once part of my main stereo system.