Got it, I wasn’t sure if Gary set up the software to work as an independent transport or if it always ripped the CD to the internal drives. Great product. I don’t know if you knew this, but I did the product industrial design for the Raptor and we manufactured those chassis in house. Also, we made the audio PCB’s as well! That is why it has that Pro ISL output included
Daniel, I was just wondering exactly why it sports the Pro ISL output!
As for CD/SACD reproduction it’s really a pity MSB has discontinued the Reference Transport.
I’m waiting for the new I2S module to connect my PS Audio Transport but do you think this solution will be really better than a MSB device with Pro ISL output?
Server/streamers as well, I mean once Pink Faun, Innuos, Antipodes like already Taiko is doing, will sport a Pro ISL output module do you think they will outperform current Pro USB connections?
Honestly, with the implementation of a Digital Director, I believe most of the inputs will sound indistinguishable. The DD itself brings almost all the benefits of the Pro ISL interface regardless of the source. As long as there are no fundamental issues with the playback, these sources should sound as good as an MSB source!
If you think about our previous transports, they still relied on someone else’ electronics. We essentially were only adding a “Pro ISL” output to a third party product. Not very different in the end, except it won’t match