…one could always use PGGB to process a library off-line to play from the library, instead of HQP.
Yep. But then you lose all the processing from the streaming services.
Hqplayer pro Will also do this trick, if you prefer jussi’s filters
For those using the ProUSB/ISL…are you getting a “popping” (double pop) noise when the sample rate changes? This occurs with both Roon and HQ Player as the source played via my Sonore Rendu.
When using my V2 Renderer with Roon as the source, I don’t have this issue.
I also didn’t have this issue with my LAiV Harmony DAC.
Since I added the DD I’m having the same issue.
Both the ProISL-USB and the Digital Director insert an optical link before the DAC, improving sounding a perceptible way.
While some DACs sound “better” with complicated resampling schemes, I am not convinced that doing a lot of resampling, or alterations, before feeding them into an MSB DAC would be that noticeable.
At this point, at least, I don’t want any signal alteration between my audio files, and the DAC. At least more than are required to convert the stored file to ethernet transmission, then reverse to convert back to a digital stream into the DAC. (USB transmission is similar, but done differently) I know that some people find some “euphony” creating digital alteration software to be pleasing.
I think you should choose your software system based on what you prefer, I mean Foobar2000 was the main choice a few decades ago. I was only OK at configuring that program. JRiver continues to be popular. Roon simplified that significantly. However, Roon is very busy on the network. A careful, and well thought out home network is needed. I plug my NUC’s ethernet directly into the Router/Firewall device. I also have a device that powers the Cable Modem, and Router, off and on at 2am every night.
I like the “bit perfect” concept, and will stick with it. However, I do encourage others to press the boundaries of the software side of things here. I do plan to investigate Audirvana Studio when I get my system back (they had a Black Friday Sale). I am going to play with installing Linux on my NUC, and running the Audirvana server there.
Not happening in my system
In my experience, upsampling before the cascade does not yield good results. I believe it is more due to the digital filters that the upsamples uses than the upsampling itself.
It seems to have mysteriously stopped in my system.
Well, I spoke too soon (or I just confused myself with all the testing I’m doing).
The issue persists…whether I use HQ Player > Rendu > ProUSB or I use Roon > Rendu > ProUSB, when the sample rate changes I get a double “pop” noise if I have upsampling engaged.
When tracks are playing natively and there’s a change in sample rate, there is no pop.
In roon-> rendu path, did you try setting the “resync delay” in Roon device setup page to 1000ms? This should be enough to empty any buffers still present of the old sample rate (you can overshoot at set to 3000ms just for testing. But 500ms or 1000ms should be enough).
I don’t use a rendu, but no pops or crackles here.
That’s a great suggestion, thanks.
Alas, even up to the maximum delay of 10000ms the popping is still there.
I’ve reached out to Sonore as well. Since they need to update the Rendu driver to allow DSD512, I’m hoping that will resolve the popping.
Sorry to hear it didn’t work.
Same here, using Innuos Sense App I set the “delay” from 500ms to1000ms, unfortunately without success.
It’s not a repeatable issue, it seems to randomly appear and disappear.
Never happened before I added last week the DD, so my guess is that it’s something related to this recently installed refurbished device.
But no hqplayer in your setup, right? Straight from innuosOS (aka logitechmediaserver).
Yes, from Innuos Sense App straight into DD.
It would be great if the MSB Renderer could be an HQPlayer NAA endpoint linked to Roon. MSB Renderer is JPlay certified. JPlay has native HQPlayer. So, would the Renderer as an NAA endpoint not be a possibility within Roon?
Yep. For me, the most wanted feature request.
With Roon and HQPlayer feeding an NAA connected over ProUSB/ISL to my MSB Discrete, I experience a very nasty and undesirable double pop / transient tick sound when the sample rate changes between tracks in the play queue, the kind of transient that could cause damage to speakers.
From my experience with 2 different brand servers / streamers, running different proprietary software, connected over ProUSB to my Discrete, I otherwise (i.e. not using HQPlayer) get a random transient tick if either the sample rate or bit-depth changes between tracks in the queue.
So, truly a big disappointment.
What I have found is that the safest interface is the Renderer with exclusively Roon and Roon’s resync delay set to 3000ms. With this interface I get no pops or ticks, provided of course that one is using Ethernet backhaul.
No popping here. NAA running in a headless Ubuntu server nuc.
What upsampling rate/filter/noise shaping are you using?